The Bakken covers parts of Montana, North Dakota and Southern Canada. Production in the Bakken has been more than 1.2 million barrels of oil a day at it’s peak. Production is now lower as a result of lower drilling activity levels.
5Bakken News Oil Rig Count
Number of active drilling rigs in the Williston Basin.*
This information is from the Baker Hughes
Rig Count report dated 1/3/2025.
According to an article published by the USGS in 2013 and updated in 2019, there were approximately 7.4 billion barrels of undiscovered, technically recoverable oil in the combined Bakken and Three Forks Formations in North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana. While this article is old, it is still very interesting and that is why we are providing a link to it. This article was updated in 2019 to reflect more current data.
Here is a link to the USGS article for your review. USGS Bakken and Three Forks Assessment.
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