Welcome to the EIA page for our Website. The United States Energy Information Administration, keeps vast amounts of stastical data on the various types of energy produced and consumed worldwide. In regards to the Bakken the two types of energy produced are basically Crude Oil and Natural Gas. The majority being Crude Oil. Many well drilled in the Bakken also produce some Natural Gas as a secondary product.

Below you will find some links to various reports issued by the EIA the provide information regarding Crude Oil, and Natural Gas. Where available links will be provided to information more specific to the Bakken. Please be aware the the information is provided by the EIA, an outside information source. All responsibility for the accuracy of the information lies with the EIA, and this Website and it’s owner accept no responsibility for the accuracy of such data.


  1. Petroleum and Other Energy Liquids.
  2. Petroleum Weekly Supply Summary.
  3. This Week in Petroleum.
  4. Bakken Drilling Report. (Most Recent.)
  5. Complete EIA Drilling Report. (Most Recent.)
  6. North Dakota Historical Oil Production Statistics